

The Inauguration Blues

The Inauguration Blues

The day of reckoning has arrived. A new president embroiled in controversy is being sworn in today. Can life get anymore surreal than this? Like many Americans, I was absolutely stunned by the election results, and today, I am singing the inauguration blues. It is a...

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Unearthing Buried Treasures

Unearthing Buried Treasures

I never really considered writing a book that would expose my deeply personal experiences, although I assumed that at some point in my life, I would be inspired to put my strategies for spiritual healing into the form of a book. Unbeknownst to me, in June of this...

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Questioning the Unquestionable

Questioning the Unquestionable

Religion is one of those things that is deeply rooted in many of us, and to question it may seem unthinkable. If we choose to question the unquestionable, it has the potential of setting off a chain reaction that can lead us into an existential nightmare. When I began...

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The Beauty of Not Knowing

The Beauty of Not Knowing

Oh, that burning question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Adults start asking that question as soon as we are able to form a complete sentence. The pressure to have it all figured out at age 5 — I don’t think so! After the first utterance of this question,...

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You’ve Got All You Need within Yourself

You’ve Got All You Need within Yourself

When we hear the call to move our life in a new direction, I think Spirit is calling us to expand ourselves because it is our nature to evolve and change throughout our entire life. We weren’t born to live static, boring lives. There is a divine urge within us that is...

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It Don’t Come Easy

It Don’t Come Easy

When we finally get real with ourselves and decide to begin making changes so we can enjoy our lives again, things don’t magically snap into place. This is why most of us resist change and continue living in mediocrity. I think when we are ready to change, it is good...

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Welcome to Planet Tiwa

Welcome to Planet Tiwa

That dreaded day arrives. You wake up and life has lost its flavor and meaning. You saw it com-ing, but you ignored it. However, this morning the disappointment was lying in bed next to you, and you couldn’t ignore it one moment longer. The denial has given way to bittersweet surrender, as you say to yourself, “This isn’t working anymore

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