That dreaded day arrives. You wake up and life has lost its flavor and meaning. You saw it coming, but you ignored it. However, this morning the disappointment was lying in bed next to you, and you couldn’t ignore it one moment longer. The denial has given way to bittersweet surrender, as you say to yourself, “This isn’t working anymore.”
Welcome to Planet Tiwa. Tiwa is an acronym for “This Isn’t Working Anymore,” and it represents that painful moment when you realize your life is empty, and you are struggling to find meaning and joy. It is when you can’t find a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Nothing seems right. Nothing fits. Nothing is inspiring you. Been there, done that, more times than I can count.
No one likes living on Planet Tiwa. It is uncomfortable. We feel disconnected, out of balance and stagnate. Tiwa isn’t a habitable place, and when we finally realize that we have to leave if we are ever going to enjoy life again, we are taking the first step towards reclaiming our life and finding our purpose, passion and joy.
At first, leaving Tiwa seems scary. As miserable as we may feel living there, we are use to it. Oftentimes we forgo change because we convince ourselves that it is better to stay where we are because at least we know what to expect. Jumping into the unknown is, well, unknown. We have to be ready to take a risk.
The truth is that most of us land on planet Tiwa many times during our life; it is normal. The good news is that deep within ourselves lies unlimited strength and vision that allow us to leave Tiwa and find our way back home to our soul so we can re-connect with what is meaningful to us and live a creative, joyful, and purposeful life.
So where do we begin? By looking within and asking ourselves what we would love our life to look and feel like, and then… we listen. We start tuning into the inner wisdom and direction that we all have, and trust where our heart is leading us to go. We breathe life into our vision and watch our path unfold.
Good-bye, planet Tiwa; hello life of my dreams…..
I liked this analogy… I must confess I also like Planet Tiwa sometimes. That being said, you’re right, the life of my dreams is on the other side of the planet. Thank you Dale!